A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

In the 1400s, there was a handsome and brave knight that proved his leadership skills in wars. The knight’s name was Benedict Sebastian but everyone was calling him Splitman. Benedict’s father was a steward and he lost his mother at an early age. The year Benedict joined the army, the castle was attacked and every man had to fight to protect the castle. They managed to save the castle and too many lives were lost including Benedict’s father.


After losing his father, Benedict started to train so hard on his speed and sword skills. During his training, a war started and Benedict was assigned to the attacking army as a regular troop. In his first and second wars, Benedict survived the battle and protected his fellow troops. After several big wars, Splitman was given the title of Knight.


Becoming a knight was a huge step for Benedict. He almost achieved his goal and become a great man. But his main goal was to reach becoming Queen’s personal guard and make sure that she is well protected and the kingdom is safe. He kept training in his speed and sword training.


While Benedict was training near the keep, he noticed someone who is a suspicious-looking guy wandering around. He decided to follow him and ended up reaching the upper part of the keep. When he was chasing the suspicious-looking person, the enemy forces started to attack the castle. The enemy's plan was to distract all of the castle soldiers to assassinate the royal family.


Because of Benedict’s sharp senses, he stopped the assassination before even started and rushed into the battlefield. Because of his sword skills, he was able to defeat enemy soldiers with his fellow soldiers. He was able to capture the enemy commander and bring him to the castle.


After the fight, he was nicknamed Splitman because he was moving so fast, from the outside he was seen as his arms were moving by themselves. People in the castle started to call him Sir Splitman. During the war, his actions were noticed, and assigned to be the personal guard of the Royal Family.


While Benedict protecting the Royal Family, the King was fighting on the battlefield. After some time, a messenger came and told the Queen that, King’s army was defeated and he was thrown in an abandoned dungeon waiting for his execution. When Benedict heard that, he promised Queen to save the King and bring him back to the castle. Benedict rushed to the abandoned dungeon and started to slay every one of the enemy soldiers in his way. When he reached the final room, he saw that the King was already dead and the door was closed after him. The enemy’s true plan was to lure out the best soldier of the King and reduce the manpower of their army, and they successfully managed that.


Benedict died in that dungeon full of anger, just to be resurrected after 100 years to escape the dungeon and spread his hate to the castle that killed his King.


Splitman_ Build.rar 23 MB

Install instructions

After downloading is complete, extract the zip files and run "Splitman.exe"

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